If this blog was a child, family services would have taken it away by now…

Sorry for the blog neglect, life’s been a whirlwind of activity for the last month or so. For those of you who don’t know already — I switched jobs at the beginning of September.

I’m now working as the editor-in-chief of Linux Magazine (the original, accept-no-substitutes Linux Magazine, by the way), which is an awesome gig. However, with “awesome” comes a lot of work and a lot of getting up to speed on doing things the print way. After years of doing the online publishing thing, print is a whole new world. (” Word count? What’s that? What do you mean we have to fill space / cut word count? How, exactly, can a paragraph have an orphan?”)

I worked on print stuff in college, and of course I wrote for Linux Magazine for years prior to working for Linux.com, but actually dealing with the layout stuff was pretty new.  (Speaking of which — anybody know a Linux proggy that will actually open QuarkXPress docs?)

So, in September I not only took the new job, but also went to VMworld for a week and the Ohio LinuxFest for a weekend. September was chock full of busy and I’m sure that October will be too, but not quite as much.

What have you been up to?