Here it is, finally, the last day of 2022. None too soon. As the meme says, I’m going into 2023 real quiet-like and hoping for a better year.

I’ve set aside the idea that a new year means a new me, or that I have the ability to embark on a massive self-improvement campaign just because the odometer has rolled over on another year. But I like to reflect on some things I’d like to have done come this time next year.

The obvious ones: get more exercise, read more, eat better. No specific numbers for those goals except “do better than I’ve been doing.”

My home computer lab is in a sorry state at the moment, so I want to whip it into shape this year and complete a few projects that are worth writing about.

Today will mark 41 days into my 100 day blogging challenge. I aim to complete that and maybe even keep it rolling past day 100.

A major goal for 2023: Help Nora get a driver’s license. That means teaching a 17-year-old how to drive. Have mercy.

As always, try to be a better person and ask “What Would Mr. Rogers Do?”

Nothing fancy. How about you?