
See you at Open Source Summit North America!

In just a few weeks I’m going to be dusting off the slide clicker and giving two talks at Open Source Summit North America. I’ll be giving one talk on databases and containers, and another talk about working with text on Linux using Vim and other tools. Kind of a 101 for people who might want to delve into some command line magic for working with text. Are Containers Ready for Production Databases?...

April 24, 2023 · 2 min · zonker

How I got started with Vim

Yesterday I made an offhand comment about the long story of how I got started with Vim, so I figured I’d follow up today with that. That story takes us all the way back to 1999.

November 22, 2022 · 4 min · zonker
Sketchbook with watercolors and a cup of tea.

Is there a note-taking app that beats Vim, Markdown, and Git?

Usually I avoid post titles / headlines in the form of a question, but I’m genuinely curious: Have you found a good note-taking app that’s ultimately better than just plain text files in Markdown with Vim (optionally synced with Git)?

November 21, 2022 · 1 min · zonker
Old-timey computer screen

Tips: Making Vim easy

Vim’s flexibility and countless features are a major asset for experienced users, but a challenge for newbies. If you’ve always wanted to try Vim but were put off by your first attempts, you can start off gradually by getting to know Vim’s GUI and easy mode. This article is a primer for those who haven’t used Vim much and want to wade in gradually. If you’re new to Vim and vi-like editors, the Vim GUI is probably the best way to get started....

April 10, 2007 · 9 min · zonker
Screenshot from 2021-02-16 15-27-34

Vim tips: Using tabs

Before Vim 7.0 was released last May, I usually had six or seven xterms or Konsole windows open, each with a single Vim session in which I was editing a single file. This takes up a lot of screen space, and isn’t very efficient. With Vim 7.0, users now have the option of using tabs within Vim. With Vim’s tab features you can consolidate all your sessions into one window and move between files more easily.

January 24, 2007 · 6 min · zonker
Abstract image of AI

Vim tips: Working with external commands

Vim is a powerful editing tool, but there are some things it just can’t do. However, Vim lets you access shell commands and utilities without leaving Vim, and that lets you perform some amazing tricks. If you run :shell or just :sh while you’re in the editor, Vim (or Gvim, if you’re partial to Vim’s GUI) will place you in an interactive shell. You can run whatever commands you want, and resume your Vim session by exiting the shell....

October 25, 2006 · 6 min · zonker

Vim tips: Using Vim mappings and abbreviations

Vim ships with a lot of useful functions that make life easier when you’re editing text, but Vim is also an extremely extensible editor. If you find yourself typing the same long commands or strings of text over and over again, it’s time you learned how to set mappings and abbreviations in Vim, to save valuable keystrokes for your code or prose. Just as you can set shortcuts in KDE, you can map keystrokes to actions in Vim....

June 14, 2006 · 8 min · zonker

Vim tips: Folding fun

The problem with writing and editing on a computer, versus having words on paper, is that it’s usually hard to compare text from different sections of a document when they don’t fit on the screen together. One way to do it is to use Vim’s viewports feature. Another is to “fold” the text. Using Vim’s folding features, you can tuck away portions of a file’s text so that they’re out of sight until you want to work with them again. Here’s how.

May 24, 2006 · 10 min · zonker
Abstract image of AI

Vim tips: Moving around using marks and jumps

Editing in Vim can be a breeze, if you know how to make use of its more advanced features. Moving around files can feel like a slog if you’re stuck with the basic movement keys, but editing is effortless when you have command of marks and jumps. Basically, a mark is a bookmark or placeholder that allows you to return to a spot in the file where you were editing. This can be handy when you’re working on longer projects, whether you’re writing a long paper, making changes to your Apache configuration, or writing code....

May 17, 2006 · 9 min · zonker
Terminal text / abstract

Vim tips: Using viewports

A lot of folks use Vim, but many exploit only a small percentage of the editor’s features. Sure, you might know how to do the basics in Vim, but what about using more advanced features such as folding, split windows, and marks? With a little practice, you can really boost your productivity with Vim. In this and future articles, I’m going to cover Vim features that you may not be familiar with if you’re a casual Vim user....

May 10, 2006 · 6 min · zonker