
Vim tips: Folding fun

The problem with writing and editing on a computer, versus having words on paper, is that it’s usually hard to compare text from different sections of a document when they don’t fit on the screen together. One way to do it is to use Vim’s viewports feature. Another is to “fold” the text. Using Vim’s folding features, you can tuck away portions of a file’s text so that they’re out of sight until you want to work with them again. Here’s how.

May 24, 2006 · 10 min · zonker
Image of lead press type

How to make money writing, the query letter (or email…)

Prior to taking the job I have now as editorial director for, I was a freelancer for about six years, writing for Linux Magazine, Enterprise Linux Magazine,, Linux Weekly News, IBM developerWorks, ZDNet, and a few others. I thought I’d share a few tips here that might help prospective authors get a little work on the side, or maybe even start up a freelancing career of their own....

April 22, 2006 · 4 min · zonker
Image of lead press type

Jargon mumble synergy!

How is it that companies that spend millions on product development seem incapable of hiring someone who can write clear, concise product descriptions? Been working on a project for the past week that involves churning through tons of product descriptions from various companies. I can say with authority that the products, if they are selling well, are selling despite the marketing materials. This also goes for press releases. Just in case any of the folks who are writing this copy happen to read this site, here are a few tips:...

June 9, 2004 · 3 min · zonker