A fantasy radio computer newspaper device, generated by AI (Midjourney). Kind of steampunk cross between an old radio, computer, speakers and a faded screen with nonsense characters.

That's 100...

Today is, if I don’t miss my count, 100 days since I started the 100 day blogging challenge. I’ve updated the site every day since November 21st last year. It’s been a good exercise. Some days I don’t have a lot left in the tank after work, some days I feel like I could do two or three posts. Focusing here has been great for breaking the Twitter habit. Question is whether I plan to keep going or take a break....

March 1, 2023 · 1 min · zonker

Making things vs. making the best things

Nice post I discovered on the Orange site today, " I don’t like making the best things." Short summary, trying to make the “best” things gets in the way of doing things we enjoy. Specifically the author talks about blogging less often after they discovered they “only want to publish the best things, so I didn’t publish at all.” Not exactly a new concept, but one that we probably all need to hear or read on a regular basis....

February 17, 2023 · 2 min · zonker
A fantasy radio computer newspaper device, generated by AI (Midjourney). Kind of steampunk cross between an old radio, computer, speakers and a faded screen with nonsense characters.

100 day blogging challenge: Let's get those RSS feeds going again

My Mastodon network is picking up nicely. It’s not quite reached the same level or variety of activity from Twitter, but it’s getting there. I wonder if there’s a chance we can revive actual blogging as well? I’m giving it a shot with a 100 day blogging “challenge” for myself.

November 28, 2022 · 2 min · zonker